Scottish Club Tulsa
scot cooking class

Make, Bake & Take

The S.C.O.T. Council enjoys bringing cooking classes to our membership. If there is a specific Make, Bake, & Take class you would like to participate in or lead, please let us know by sending an email. Thank you.

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Scotch Meat Pie

Led by S.C.O.T. Host Pat Wilcox on Oct. 9, 2021.


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Anne's Shortbread

Led by Member Anne Dresel on Jan 8, 2022.


learn gaelic online


S.C.O.T. is pleased to offer its Membership free instruction to learn Ghàidhlig.

Green Country Gàidhlig Study Group meets every 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays at 1:30-3:00pm at the American Legion.


Both LearnGaelic and DuoLingo are completely free, online, learn at your own pace, language systems.

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"Beag air Bheag, or Little by Little, a taste of Scottish Gaelic for absolute beginners."


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Making it easy to form a habit of language learning, with game-like features, fun challenges, and reminders from our friendly mascot, Duo the owl.


genealogy classes


Genealogy Research is an integral part of our Scottish Heritage. Many S.C.O.T. Members are interested in tracing their ancestral ties to Clan and Kin. To facilitate that, S.C.O.T. has partnered with the Genealogical Societies of Tulsa and Broken Arrow to provide resources and instruction.

The Genealogy Learning Space will be made available soon.