Scottish Club Tulsa

User Generated Content

1.1 User generated content ("UGC"), also commonly known as 'citizen journalism', 'social media' or 'participatory media', refers to a wide variety of media content that is produced by the general public and/or S.C.O.T. members, as opposed to content made by the Scottish Club of Tulsa Council, independent production companies or individual contributors commissioned by Scottish Club of Tulsa. This also includes items and projects created by artisans and designers for the express purpose of marketing the S.C.O.T.

1.2 In recent years UGC has expanded due to developing technologies that are now readily available, including digital video and images, mobile text messages, blogging, message boards, emails, and audio submissions.

1.3 'UGC', as referred to by the Scottish Club of Tulsa's Terms of Service, includes any content produced by our members/users which is submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T. either directly or indirectly.

2.1 You are granting the S.C.O.T. a license, or permission, to use your work, but you still own the work. Further, the rights to use UGC granted to the S.C.O.T. are non-exclusive which means that you can continue to use your content as you like including the ability to also allow others to use it.

2.2 The Scottish Club of Tulsa's Terms of Service provide the S.C.O.T. with permission to use any UGC submitted to/shared with the Scottish Club of Tulsa free of charge across any of its services in the United States, the UK, and worldwide.

2.3 While these may seem like quite wide rights, the S.C.O.T. operates a large number of services and these are the Scottish Club of Tulsa's standard terms covering the wide variety of types of UGC submitted to the S.C.O.T. for a large number of purposes. To be able to use your content (such as showcasing a photo on communities or a short video clip on the Scottish Club of Tulsa's social media) the S.C.O.T. needs sufficient rights to use the material as proposed by individual UGC projects.

2.4 The terms also include the ability for the Scottish Club of Tulsa to be able to sub-license UGC to trusted third parties such as local media or other public bodies if requested and for appropriate purposes. If the Scottish Club of Tulsa shares any of your content with any of its trusted partners, it will endeavor to ensure that they do not alter your material in any way or allow them to provide it to other USA based broadcasters or to the print media. The Scottish Club of Tulsa will also endeavor to inform you when accepting UGC about how it will be used.

2.5 While UGC may on occasion be included in S.C.O.T. services that are licensed to other international broadcasters, and international users of the Scottish Club of Tulsa site may see some advertising around certain pages of the site, any such use of user content is incidental, and the S.C.O.T. does not directly generate any revenue from individual pieces of UGC.

3.1 If you submit any content to or share any material with the Scottish Club of Tulsa (including any piece of art, merchandise, text, photographs, graphics, video, or audio) you will retain the copyright in your work. As the non-exclusive license to the S.C.O.T. is only a permission for the S.C.O.T. to use (and potentially sub-license) the content you can also continue to use your content in any way you wish including using it yourself and/or allowing others to use it.

4.1 When you submit content to or share material with the S.C.O.T., you must only submit/share your own original content or if your content does contain the work(s) of others (e.g. music, images and/or video) you must have obtained the necessary rights or permissions to use that material.

4.2 If your content clearly identifies anyone else, you will need to ensure that they have consented to the content being used by the S.C.O.T. for the purposes for which you submitted it and/or any other uses by the Scottish Club of Tulsa. Where your content clearly identifies children under the age of 18 you must ensure that their parent or guardian has provided the consent set out above.

4.3 The S.C.O.T. also requires that you do not submit/share any content that is defamatory, offensive, or unlawful in any way. Any inappropriate content will be rejected or taken down by the S.C.O.T.. If in doubt, please do not share your content with the S.C.O.T.

5.1 The Scottish Club of Tulsa will endeavor to credit any UGC submitted to or shared with it where that content features in or is showcased on any S.C.O.T. services. Unfortunately, for operational and technical reasons, this is not always possible. For example, where an individual image is included within a larger work the S.C.O.T. is unlikely to be able to credit the copyright owner of that image.

5.2 Where you share your content with the S.C.O.T. that is located on a third party website such as Facebook, TikTok, Flickr, YouTube, or other Social Media or blog space, the S.C.O.T. will also endeavor to link back to the original location of that content where technically and editorially possible.

5.3 If you would prefer for the S.C.O.T. not to credit you for whatever reason please let us know when submitting your material.

6.1 In the majority of instances, the S.C.O.T. does not amend, edit or alter any material submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T.. Due to technical or operational limitations the S.C.O.T. reserves the right to slightly amend content such as cropping images to be able to use them. The S.C.O.T. will endeavor not to make any significant editorial amendments to your work without your consent.

6.2 Where the S.C.O.T. shares any UGC with any trusted third parties it will also endeavor to ensure that they do not alter your material in any material way.

7.1 The S.C.O.T. will generally only keep your content for as long as is reasonably required for the purpose(s) for which it was submitted. For example, the S.C.O.T. will only keep copies of entries to a t-shirt competition for the duration of the competition. However, other projects are likely to have a longer, or even permanent, duration.

7.2 The Scottish Club of Tulsa, as a private non-profit organization, also has an obligation to record snapshots of history which may include some UGC. Therefore, some content submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T. may be retained for prolonged periods of time or potentially indefinitely in the Scottish Club of Tulsa's Archive, which is true of other historical or News contributions which are published. There may also be rare instances where we will share your contribution with third parties in the interests of maintaining historical archives: e.g. contributions about people's experiences at Burns Commemorative Supper's or during any event hosted or sponsored by the S.C.O.T.

8.1 The S.C.O.T. may need to contact you to authenticate or verify your content and/or obtain further information about your work. If we are unable to contact you we may be unable to use your content for the particular purpose for which it was submitted. If, for whatever reason, the S.C.O.T. cannot accept your content or has to reject it if it breaches the Terms of Service, the S.C.O.T. will endeavor to let you know.

8.2 Occasionally the S.C.O.T. also contacts contributors in relation to particular projects or if it would like to seek further consent to use your work for a purpose unrelated to that for which it was originally submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T. You will be given the opportunity not to be contacted further.

9.1 No, the S.C.O.T. does not pay for any user generated content. The only exception to this is when the S.C.O.T. subcontracts an individual or entity for the production of specific projects.

10.1 The S.C.O.T. will endeavor to only use your content for the specific purpose and any reasonably related purposes for which it was submitted. If, for example, you submit a recipe as part of a competition, the S.C.O.T. may showcase that recipe on communities and on other Scottish Club of Tulsa services for promoting that competition such as public exhibitions of the winning competition recipe. If the S.C.O.T. then decides it would like that recipe to appear in a public exhibition or on a Scottish Club of Tulsa community unrelated to the specific competition we would consider this a potentially unrelated work and would then endeavor to obtain your further consent for this other usage.

10.2 Should the S.C.O.T. later wish to use your contribution in such a way that would normally lead to a formal commission by the S.C.O.T. then this would also be the case with your user generated material and we would contact you accordingly.

11.1 The Scottish Club of Tulsa's Terms of Service governing the submission, acceptance and use of UGC will apply to the majority of UGC regardless of how it is submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T.

11.2 Please make sure that you are aware of the relevant terms that apply before submitting any content to the Scottish Club of Tulsa.

11.1 The Scottish Club of Tulsa's Terms of Service governing the submission, acceptance and use of UGC will apply to the majority of UGC regardless of how it is submitted to or shared with the S.C.O.T.

11.2 Please make sure that you are aware of the relevant terms that apply before submitting any content to the Scottish Club of Tulsa.

12.1 Any submission of your content to any non-Scottish Club of Tulsa website will be subject to that website's Terms of Service and privacy policy. Please be aware of a website's terms and privacy policy, which are likely to differ from the Scottish Club of Tulsa's, when submitting your content to it. For example, some websites include a provision so that you assign all your rights in your content to the website owner. Some large UGC websites are also based in other parts of the world, so your personal information may be stored outside the USA, where different laws apply.

12.2 By sharing your content with the Scottish Club of Tulsa communities on a third party website or sending us a link to your content located elsewhere, you are also granting the S.C.O.T. the rights to be able to use your content in accordance with the Scottish Club of Tulsa's standard Terms of Service.

13.1 If you see some user generated material on communities that you think is offensive, infringes your or anybody else's copyright, is defamatory or is unlawful in any way the best way to let us know is by sending us a private communication from any local site or sending us an email to Specific methods such as the 'alert us about a message' links on all our message board pages, the 'complain about this post' links on some of our blogs and any local 'contact us' links are also acceptable.

13.2 If you think any UGC located within a S.C.O.T. group hosted on a third party website is offensive, please use any complaint tools provided by that website or let the S.C.O.T. administrator of that group know.

14. Contacting the Scottish Club of Tulsa about these Terms of Service:

If you have any questions or comments about User Generated Content, please contact the S.C.O.T.

Scottish Club of Tulsa
c/o President David Miller
PO Box 13
Foyil, OK 74031
Telephone: (816) 807-6847

Related Information

Privacy Policy

Terms of Use


Last edited on May 19, 2024.