Who we are...
S.C.O.T. Mission Statement
To unite Scots, the descendants of Scots, and others interested in a common fraternal, cultural and social bond.
To aid one another, insofar as conditions and abilities will permit.
To preserve and perpetuate Scottish traditions, ideals, literature, minstrelsy, song, dance, customs, amusements, and functions, through public concerts, public exhibitions and public events.
To encourage, in whatever ways are possible, the perpetuation of the pipes and drums heritage in our communities.
What We Do
The Premiere Scottish Club of Tulsa meets monthly on the second Saturday of each month. Our Gatherings includes a pot luck supper with the Club providing the main meat dish. Club members pay a small fee at the door to defray cost of the facility and entertainment. The evening's program might include Scottish folk singing, piping, dancing, poetry, slides or videos on Scotland, history, or all of these and more.
Members of the Club participate in community events whenever such visibility would promote Scottish heritage and interest potential members. The Club also sponsors and holds events for holidays, fundraisers, and other specialty events based on member interests. Membership in the Scottish Club of Tulsa is open to all persons interested. Annual dues are $35.00 for individuals or $50.00 per family or couple.